
Transparency Opacity / Christine Gasser & Nina Rattensperger

01 20th, 2017

Today the new media – social media – change the form of architecture. They change how we perceive it and how we make it. The architects can show their ideas,
their work or even their everyday life through social media. On different platforms they can show different aspects of your life as an architect. We get news instantly through social media. We can access them everywhere from our smartphones. Therefore, its easy for architects to bring their ideas to the people. Thus emerges an “ever-growing mass of image-objects” (Debord 1994, p. 7), which we will analyse further later on. Architecture essentially becomes a mass media. To mention a few numbers: 3,2 Billion people are online and a quarter of them have a Facebook account. 51,15% of them say in a statistic of 2016 that they can’t live without Facebook. It basically means “the rise of social media is no less impactful than the cold war was upon the world. (Michael Myers, marketing consultant: What does this mass-effect mean for Architecture? Does a war for influence ensue?

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